Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Day 50 A letter to your reflection in the mirror

Hello you ill person. You are lucky to have nice colleagues who want you to be healthy and advised you to take today off for rest. Well done for being arsed to shower and clean your teeth and face.

Me x

I suppose I've finished these now so I can actually write a blog about my life (which isn't that interesting).

My happiest moment today was finding that Topshop have loads of lovely vintage style clothes to peruse and they are doing free next day delivery. I shall be discussing the financial terms with my dear boyfriend later :D.

Also, One Born Every Minute normally makes me happy but with one lady chucking her guts up and another constantly saying "blood" and "bleeding" constantly it grossed me out instead. Urrrrgh. So I bagan watching Gilmore Girls instead. Much more civililsed.

Okay, I'm off to cocoon myself in a duvet/

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